Sunday, March 2, 2014

Week 9

Well here we are, Week 9, the last of the single digit weeks. I think that's a good thing. Apparently it is. There is a lot of growing going on inside me. Physically, emotionally, and spiritually. So here we go, the official Week 9 Update.



"March 1,2014
size chart: Peanut, Green Olive, Grape
( they were all equally delicious, even the frozen grape)
Today you are: 9 weeks and 3 days  ( 67 days old )
0.9 Inches long, and 0.7 ounces
Beginning this week your kidneys, liver, brain, and lungs are beginning to function. Your head is now half the size of your body. By now you should have lost that cute little tadpole tail, and your fingers and toes are still webbed ( almost like a puppy- you'll learn about those later on.) Also, your eyes are now fully developed, but they're not going to open for just a few more weeks. Another thing, your muscles are starting to develop! Lets go pump some iron. Those muscles are forming around your new skeletal system ( the bones are still soft, but getting stronger every day ). Way to grow little leprechaun!
- Week 8 Apology-
*Sorry! We Took A Trip*
Sorry there wasn't an update really for Week 8 with a photo. We ( you and I ) took our first trip to visit my family. We spent some times with Papaw Ed ( He's my dad& pretty funny) & his wife Nanny Kay ( she loves to cook and is pretty good at it too), Mimi ( that's my mommy, she's probably one of the wisest and most caring person that I know and is a great nurse ) and her husband Geezer ( he's very kind ), Alan ( my brother ), Dawn ( who is like a sister to me ), your cousins Haiden ( she's the eldest of your cousins and very smart ) and her little brother Rowan ( he's a big flirt- all he has to do is bat those cute eyes and I'm quite sure he could get away with anything ), and  Mary (my babysitter from when I was a kid ) and her husband Charles.
Everyone was SO EXCITED to find out about you. It was a most excellent trip and a fun time had by all.  You'll soon learn that family is very important to me.
- Back to Week 9-
This weeks big news is that you're really hitting a growth spurt. Vital organs, muscles, bones, and eyes. You must be staying really busy in there.  I'm already proud of all that you've accomplished this far.
As far as I go this week, I still feel great. There are a few minor aches and pains- my lower back really hurts after standing or walking for a good bit, and late evenings I get a very weird pain in the lower left side of my abdomen. I'm assuming you're shoving my innards around for some more room and some old adhesion scars from a previous surgery are making that a bit more difficult. So, sorry about that in advance.
Food- wise: It's about the same as before kid. Lots of juice & icy cold drinks, bananas, peanut butter. And something new this week, Salt & Vinegar chips. ( I've loved them for years, but this week; man oh man.. I could tear through a whole bag if I let myself ) They are delicious! Mimi was kind enough to buy me a few small bags when we went to visit Alan, but I forgot to bring them back with me. At least I know that when I get back there, i'll have some good sour and salty chips waiting on me.
- I can also add to this list Pickled Okra, Ive had a piece every day this week since getting back in town.-
Here are this week's Photos: 
Here I am trying to take a decent photo of myself. I'm not really great at this so I'll apologize for that. Also I've got a big cheesy grin on my face... 

Side photo, looks like there has been a little bit of expansion in the middle abdomen area, then again, maybe its gas.

- okay so, maybe next time I shouldn't pick such a dark background, but it was nice outside and this was the shadiest part of the back yard.-
The outside photos are by Ryan ( your daddy ) he's pretty good at most everything he does. You'll love him once you get to meet him.

And for once, my hair looks decent in these photos. I don't know exactly what it is, but this whole pregnancy my hair has been not its normal self. Today, I washed it early in the morning and never combed it- maybe that's the trick, don't take my word for it though.

Photos For Comparisons sake:
Week 5
Week 6
Week 7
Week 8
( No photo from the side but hey lets add this one in )
Week 9

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