Saturday, March 1, 2014

Week 8

Week 8
Well, Tuesday 2/18/14 we went to the doctor. Ryan unfortunately had to work. However, we ( me and baby ) went anyways to get checked out.
We are measuring on target! The ultrasound was what you call transvaginal. Its quite awkward, and I'll give you a moment to look that procedure up if you like.
< pause- wait for people to look this up >
See, I told you it was strange.  Thankfully its the only one that I will have to do like that.
Heres how it went down.
Arrive at doctors office. Sign in, wait, begin to get hungry, eat protein bar in waiting area while people watch like its a zoo exhibit, and wait some more. I go in and give my urine sample,  and talk to the nurses. They tell me to change and prep for the ultrasound lady to come in. The room is very dimly lit, almost dim enough to take a proper nap. The tech comes in, introduces herself and begins the procedure.  I am told to hold my breath and watch the screen.  The first image I see on the screen is this :
Lookin' good. There you are, physical proof that there is life. Heartbeat 183 beats per minute, perfect.
 There's a head and a body
I coughed and you can now clearly see the arm and leg buds, however the video showed lots of fluttering of these buds when I coughed.
So far the baby looks happy and healthy just floating around in there.
This week, I traveled back home to North Carolina to see my family. This is when the fun news was revealed to each immediate family member of mine, and given a card that says
 " Pink or Blue
Our baby is due Late September / Early October 2014. Ryan and Kelly are anxiously awaiting their newest addition.
<3 Ryan & Kelly"
I printed out the photos and included copies of each, in each card for the family. Ryan was in charge of letting his family know, and I in charge for mine.
Every one seemed pleasantly excited, and happy for us. I did get a chance to explain it to my sweet beautiful niece Haiden, and let her promptly know that " I do not know anything about babies, and I will need your help as soon as its born." She quickly let me know " Okay, I can show you how to put on diapers, and you'll have to feed it, that's a mommys job, and I can also name the baby. I think we should name it ' Cupcake Puppy' . "  I have never felt so assured in my entire life. Hopefully this child will be just as sweet and funny as Haiden. 
I did however get to spend some wonderful quality time with the family. Time that I will treasure forever.
Here we are visiting my dad, we both just watched a YouTube video on how to make a regular necktie into a bowtie. Clever huh? Yeah that's how we roll.
Here is my mom and Rowan. They enjoyed a game of patty cake for a few minutes.
This is Haiden. She's my buddy and she's very sweet. This is Sunday morning, after she woke up.
Here in this photo we have a typical Sunday morning breakfast. Dawn, and Rowan holding down the stove cutting up the strawberries, Haiden, and Alan mixing up the waffles.
Guess who?!
This is Rowan, he's a real heartbreaker. Watch out ladies...he's gonna steal your heart.
This is Haiden posing for our family selfie.
Thanks for reading, coming up this week, a return to Florida a pain in the belly, and more photos.
- Lots of love, KellBell.

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