Monday, March 24, 2014

12 Weeks! 12 Weeks!

We made it! 12 Weeks, which means almost the end of the first trimester. Very exciting stuff here.

Today is March 24, 2014   ( Your cousin Rowan's 2nd Birthday today )
You are: 12 weeks and 5 days  ( 89 days old )
You weigh: about 0.5 ounces
You measure: about 2.5" from crown to rump

( I know we usually do this on Saturdays, but we were busy trying to get things done around the house and watching your sisters :-)  )

You are about the size of a large plum or a medium size egg.

 This week your digestive system is starting to work by practicing contractions and swallowing. Your body is starting to make its own white blood cells out of your bone marrow. This will be helpful in fighting off germs on your own once you're out of mommas belly. Your pituitary gland is also beginning to make hormones of your own- which you'll need many years from now. Your liver and spleen are busy producing blood cells and your liver accounts for at least 10% of your body weight. Your muscular system and nervous system are working together- You're now bending, stretching, kicking and punching about and even making faces on your own. 

Mommas body this week is holding up pretty well. I've had a few strange pulling sensations in my belly while I've been sleeping- Im assuming that its you making more room to grow. Also, I have to be careful when I am getting up from sitting, squatting, or laying down. I get just a little bit dizzy. Mostly because you need lots of blood & my blood vessels are really relaxed so you can use that blood to grow even more.

Tomorrow is a BIG day for us. You, me & daddy get to go to the doctor to check and see how you are growing and hopefully get to hear your heartbeat for the very first time. We may even get to take a peek at you. I am extremely excited about this!!!

As far as food goes, I have really enjoyed some strawberries, ice cream, and lots of fresh sliced pineapple. The pineapple was so good, I ate the entire container by myself, and I wasn't even hungry. I hope that this is a good sign that you'll be a healthy eater and like all kinds  of good food.

I pray that all is well with you in there. Daddy and I are excited to get to see and hear you tomorrow. Keep on growin' lil green bean.

Momma <3

P.S. Happy 2nd Birthday to your cousin Rowan!

Here are some photos from this past week.

12 weeks!


invasion of the sisters
look at you growing and making that bump pop out. maybe its gas. maybe not.


 And we told your sisters about you this weekend...
I think they're very excited.
And here are some photos from Rowans birthday party
Haiden, Myles, and Rowan. Sportin the 'staches. I love it, and I love them, I know you will too!

Love you lots my lil sweet pea, hopefully we'll have just as much fun. I can't wait to see your smile and hear your sweet laugh.

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