Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Week 17!!

.....Lettuce Turnip the Beet.

Welcome to week 17 Little One.
You measure : about 5-6 inches from crown to rump ( or about the size of my my palm )
You weigh: anywhere from 4-5 ounces ( about the weight of a turnip. (( man I love turnip greens... and that reminds me of the one time I had a depression era turnip sandwich).. so yeah turnip)
This week of important things..
Important things this week for you, your heart is now regulated by your very own brain! It has steady beats anywhere from 140-150 beats per minute ( no more random heartbeats). You're already practicing important skills you're going to need at birth like suckling and swallowing so you can eat on your own. You are now beginning to gain a tiny bit of body fat ( to help keep you warm and healthy). You are most certainly listening a lot more too. In fact, you can hear lots of loud noises ( like this big thunderstorm we are having right this very minute) dogs barking, doorbells ringing, your sisters screaming those songs from Disney movies, and other random loud noises. They may startle you now, ( and I guarantee the singing from your sisters will startle anyone ), but this should get you accustomed to loud noises once you decide to break free of the womb. Surveys say that babies who experience these types of sounds in uterine will sleep fine once they are out and they wont startle as easy. Sometime between this week and next, the pads on your fingers and toes will develop their own ridges, loops, and swirls. Those are your fingerprints. No one will ever have any identical to yours.
I got to feel you move quite a bit more this week especially after I take my bath and have my pajamas on and start to relax. I will go ahead and apologize for keeping you moving so much the past few days. I came down with a terrible coughing fit that kept you flipping and flopping all over inside my belly. Im sure that you were trying to kick or punch me to tell me to " Cut it out Maa!" We didn't fall asleep this past Sunday night until after 345 am. Sheesh! I went to the doctor today and they told me that I have bronchitis. BOOOOO!! Although it was worth every terrible hacking cough and thinking I had Tuberculosis or Black Lung just to feel you flip flop back and forth in my belly. Its kind of like a tapping from the inside out. 
We grew more baby strawberries this week. I wish that they would hurry up and grow." I looooove skrawberries!!" I cant wait to share my love of fruit with you.
Daddy also bought us a new lamp for the living room. Its a floor from IKEA that I have wanted for quite some time. It gives off such a pretty golden glow. We decided to put it in the corner by the TV. Its very soothing.
I cannot believe that we are through 17 weeks already. Time is flying by. Heres to you kiddo- Grow as much as you need. And be nice to me. Some of those stretches you do under my scar are terribly terribly painful, but you are worth it. I love you
Later little turnip,
xoxoxo Momma <3

Tiny strawberries from the garden!

I decided to make home made biscuits and gravy. My biscuits turned out flatter than I wanted but, they were still delicious.

17 Weeks! Check out that awesome job your daddy did on the chalk board

This strawberry was almost too cute to eat. But I ate it anyways.

And just for fun, this is some random man in downtown Orlando about 730 am preforming his own songs ( I don't even think he can play the guitar for real ) for passers by. He needs to put his shirt back on. I  was not impressed.

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