Wednesday, September 24, 2014

38 weeks & 6 days

Ohhh ho ho ho ho little love muffin you are almost here!!!! I am overjoyed and filled with excitement. We went to the doctors today and heard your heartbeat. I just cant believe it. Your heart sounds perfect according to the doctor. Its beating nice and strong ( that puts me at ease )

Here is what your heart beat sounds like at 38 weeks 6 days

Baby's Heart Beat at 38 Weeks 6 Days  ( click the link )

at this point youre probably about : 19 inches long, and about 6.8 to 7 pounds

At this point you're fully formed,and ready to make your debut. However, I am leaving that completely up to you.  Your hands can grasp really well now, and you have been testing that out. I can feel you grasp and punch at things. Its okay... I dont mind too much.

Since you've turned and are ready to bust out at anytime like alien or chuck norris, i feel you try and stretch your legs. I'll tell you something, I'm short waisted. Im more legs than waist. And when you stretch, your little feet have wrapped themselves around my right side under my ribs and close to my back.. possibly over my kidneys. Tiny kicks and tickles are what I feel. The discomfort is only temporary and I honestly dont mind the few seconds of pain or crazy muscle twinges.

So until I write again, I'll post some photos and show you where we are at.

Here is your daddy at 38 weeks and 6 days.... < insert smile here> he's very handsome isn't he?

here is your momma, who doesnt look like im that pregnant from the front.
From the right side:

Front view

Left side

And my belly.. see my battle scar? Yep its pretty dang cool.. and my belly button is still an innie!

We are so close.. and I am so excited to meet you my lil youngin'

Love always, 
xoxoxoxo Momma <3

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