Thursday, June 26, 2014

25 Weeks

June 26 2014

Welcome to the end of Week 25!

This week is a big milestone- only 15 more weeks to go, and our blood test from our glucose test came back at 77 which from my understanding is a good thing. Im very happy about that.

This week from crown to rump your body is about 9 inches long ( not including those long baby legs!). You weigh in about a pound and a half if not a little more.  I love you lil whopper junior! Your body is busy getting your lungs ready to squeal, cry, and laugh. It brings them one step closer to full maturity. They are developing some stuff called surfactant ( it helps your lungs expand and open once you are born ). Also your nostrils which were once plugged are now opening, and you can practice breathing! You'll be doing that for the rest of your life, so get in as much practice as you can now.

I have had a few dreams about you- you are absolutely perfect.  I cant wait to meet you- I cant wait to hold you, to touch you, and to tell you I love you, and how very special you really are. Every time I feel you move I play a game trying to guess what youre doing in there, stretching, kicking, and punching around. I try and guess what part is where and how you lay around in my belly. Live it up in there baby, you have no worries, and no cares. Just stay busy being perfect and growing.

In the past few days, you have been so full of yourself. Moving all around, all over. Usually about the time I am ready for bed, you start up a bunch of baby calisthenics. Who knows what you're doing - but you keep me awake for a while. Anyone else who would try and keep me awake when Im really tired gets a true dose of Kelly as Crankenstein. However because its you, I cant be mad. You, youre different, you make me smile anytime during the day or night when I feel you move- I love you jelly bean.

Stay sweet, love you always
xoxoxo Momma <3

Yes, Im aware my clothes don't match. That's okay, because its about all that fits these days. I should go get some mu mu's or sweat pants.

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