Thursday, June 19, 2014

24 weeks!!!

Well, we made through another week youngin'

Hey there sweet child!!! Twenty four weeks have come and gone. I can hardly believe it myself.

In the past week, we have been able to see you, weigh you, and measure you.

So here we see your profile, and your fist all balled up.  Maybe you were trying to touch your face. You were rubbing your belly quite a bit in the live footage ( or so it looked because you kept reaching down towards your abdomen)
There's another shot of your profile- such a sweet face! Look at those baby lips and cute lil nose!

Here you are scratching and rubbing your head. 

And your sweet face again, from the top. Here we see the shadows on your face, your eyes, your nose forehead and maybe mommy's lil pointy chin. I Love You SO MUCH!


At 24 Weeks, you are as big as an ear of corn. You weigh about a pound and a half. That's pretty big if you ask me. You have gained about four ounces since last week. This week after your ultrasound and photo shoot, we went and had our 1 hour glucose test done. Hopefully we pass. I woke up and went to the lab, drank a super sweet syrupy fruit punch ( thank goodness because I like fruit punch) drink. They made us sit and wait in the waiting room and then one hour later get two small vials of blood for the results. Not a bad test but I could have really used  a power nap. I went to work afterwards and felt my energy level drop. I was extremely tired.

We also went to a Fathers Day cook out at your Aunt Tiffany and Uncle Shad's. We celebrated 2 birthdays, and your dad and sisters enjoyed the large inflatable slide. We ( you and I ) gave your daddy a very special Fathers Day card for his First Fathers Day with you. You are really going to be a very special blessing in all of our lives.

Another fun thing that happened this past week is that we moved across town. Moving causes me extreme anxiety. Its not something I like to do. However I did find some stores  Id like to browse around in and maybe we'll go look soon. It is much nicer and quiet here and closer to work.

One thing I am really looking forward to is going back to visit North Carolina. I am so excited! Getting to visit family, and close friends and church family. You can just feel the love and warmth when you are around them.  Also, You'll get a chance to hear your cousins Haiden and Rowan- I cant wait for you to meet them when you are born.  Im sure you'll love them as much as I do. Theyre very cool kids, and fun too. Tomorrow is Haiden's 5th Birthday. I cant believe it. Happy Birthday to my Sweet Haidey Bug!

That's about it for this week jellybean- you keep up the hard work and grow, stretch and relax as much as you can while there is still room. I love you sweet baby- I'm going to go and rub on my belly and you. ( You're beginning to respond to that a lot more )

I love you,
xoxoxo Momma <3

And Happy Birthday Haiden, I love you!!!!
Here's a Good photo of me and your Papaw for Father's Day.

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